International Teacher, Author, Painter and Forest Witch in Europe and Globally



I have reached that age (57 to be precise) where I claim the word Hag for myself!

Recently I typed out the following words (on Facebook) impulsively:

I think I have reached an age where I don't need a Boring Bio any more. I have decided to rewrite it completely as a more quirky or poetic piece!

"Normal" BIOS are as dull as dishwater, just a list of so called "achievements", but Hags are allergic to both lists and achievements!!

Hags value hearing how hard you loved, not how hard you pushed yourself. They are interested in the risks you took and the unpopular opinions you voiced. In what you learned from your mistakes. In how you talk to children and animals. In your wildest dreams...

Hags sniff around under stones, collect bones and find inspiration in graveyards.

This will probably make me completely unemployable but I am self-employed, so who cares.

About four years ago the Husband and I agreed that we would both retire in March 2025. It seemed like a good idea at the time... Recently we said: NO WAY!!

But STUFF Boring BIOS!

The Pregnant Hag,

AKA Imelda


Imelda is really a bear wearing a human coat. She is happiest in the Far North (especially places where polar bears roam!) She was born in the Netherlands, but Sweden and Greenland are the places her soul calls home.  

Her most sacred possessions are a swan bone flute, a star constellation cloak for ceremonial work and a bear skull. Imelda loves playing her cello in the forest and her swan bone flute by the Baltic Sea. One of her more unusual spiritual practices is taking her skulls for walks in the Forest (she runs a Forest School in Sweden). 

She has taught on most continents (but is still waiting for invitations from Australia and Antarctica!) She has performed ceremonies with groups under the Dark Sky in Chaco Canyon (New Mexico), under the Northern Lights in Greenland and on grave mounds in Sweden. Her groups have spent time with rock art in Spain and been sent on pilgrimages in London and Switzerland. Imelda has also taught slum children in Lima (Peru) and worked in a field hospital in Bangladesh. 

Imelda is obsessed with learning languages, and she dips in and out of 23 languages when she does research and writes her books. She likes reading dictionaries before she falls asleep. 

Imelda is a daughter of Baba Yaga. She is a Pregnant Hag, who roams the Forest at night and lives in a Gingerbread House by day. She writes a dream diary every morning, makes a daily painting (or drawing) and always writes a poem before she falls asleep. She recently took up wild swimming (and greatly enjoyed swimming with wild swans!) but fell off a cliff because she is a little accident-prone. She lived to tell the tale. Imelda's life is never boring. 

International Teacher, Author, Painter and Forest Witch in Europe and Globally